Introducing the great team behind the DLAB program

Leadership team 

The initiators of the DLAB program

Prof. Steffen Strese

DLAB Co-Founder + DLAB Chairman
Professor for Innovation Management
(Business and Economics)

Prof. Tessa Flatten

DLAB Co-Founder +
DLAB Head of Internationalization

Professor for Technology Management
(Business and Economics)

Executive board

Our academic team from TU Dortmund University

Prof. Jian-Jia Chen 

Professor for Design Automation for Embedded Systems 
(Computer Science)

Prof. Philipp Doebler

Professor for Statistical Methods in Social Science

Prof. Falk Howar

Professor for Software Engineering
(Computer Science)

Prof. Christian Janiesch 

Professor for Enterprise Computing

(Computer Science)

Prof. Liudvika Leišytė

Professor for University Didactics and Research


Prof. Boris Otto

Professor for Industrial Information Management and Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering

(Mechanical Engineering) 

Prof. Gerhard Schembecker

Professor for Plant and Process Design
(Biochemical and Chemical Engineering)

Prof. Stefan Tappertzhofen

Professor for Micro- and Nanoelectronics
(Electrical Engineering and Information Technology)

Prof. Manuel Wiesche

Professor for Digital Transformation
(Business and Economics)

Dr. Ronald Kriedel

Managing Director of Centre for Entrepreneurship and Transfer (CET)

Prof. Dr. Lorenz Graf-Vlachy

DLAB Board Member
Professor for Strategic Management and Leadership 

(Business and Economics)

Management team

Our management team, running the DLAB

Jöran Heikaus

Program Head

David Flore

DLAB Supporter

Dominik Schmelter

DLAB Supporter

Theresa Mentzel

DLAB Supporter

Advisory board

Our industry partners, feeding our community with latest insights

Bastian Bullmann

Investor @ Atlantic Labs

Dr. Bardo Droege

Investor @ 468 Capital

Dr. Nils Eiteneyer

Co-Founder @ XDeck
Managing Director New Ventures @ Fond OF

Irene Klemm

Founder @ Edurino

Christopher Leifeld

Co-Founder @ Thinksurance

Adrienne von Recum

Geschäftsführerin @ TÜV NORD Bildung

Dr. Raphael Rettig 

Partner @ McKinsey

Dr. Christian Sprinkmeyer

Chief Product Officer @ tonies®

Dr. Malte Waldeck

Founder @ Oska Health

Peter Waleczek

Founder & Managing Partner @ Flex Capital

Erik Wirsing

Vice President Global Innovation @ Schenker 

Tim Tegeder

 Management Consultant 
 @ Bain & Company 

Our DLAB partners


Prof. Christian Rehtanz

Professor and Head of Institute of Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics 

Prof. Michael Henke

Chairholder of Corporate Logistics (LFO) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Alexander Munteanu

Researcher at the department of Statistics

Prof. Markus Pauly

Professor for Mathematical Statistics and Applications in Industry, Department of Statistics 

Prof. Hannsjörg Freund

Professor for Biochemical and Chemical Engineering 

Prof. Andreas Groll

Professor at the department of Statistics (Statistical Methods for Big Data)

Prof. Christian Wietfeld

Professor and the Head of the Communication Networks Institute (CNI) 

Prof. Stefan Palzer

Professor for Sensor Technology at the department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 

 Prof. Sergio Lucia

Professor and head of the Laboratory of Process Automation Systems 

Prof. Stephan Lütz

Professor for Bioprocess Engineering at the Faculty of Bio- and Chemical Engineering 

Prof. Nadja Klein

Professor at the department of Statistics (Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security)

Dr. Jonas Rieger

Postdoc at the department of Statistics 

Dr. Sibylle Braungardt

Professorship of Sensor Technology,  Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 

Dr. Georg Hubmann

Academic Councilor at the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering, Faculty of Bio- and Chemical Engineering 

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