General questions
What is DLAB?
The DLAB is a digital initiative run by professors of TU Dortmund University.
What is the Certificate in Digital Technology Management?
The DLAB runs a voluntary certificate program, during which students have the opportunity to develop skills beyond their course of study. The program focuses on preparing students for founder or management careers and aims to enhance exchange between students and practitioners.
How long does it take to obtain the Certificate in Digital Technology Management?
The program is designed to take three semesters – part-time, in parallel to your ordinary studies. It is designed to not prolong your ordinary degree.
Whom do I have to contact for further information?
Please refer to the contact page.
Who can join the DLAB?
All TU Dortmund University students can apply for the program.
We also welcome a variety of industry partners and interested professors.
While students should use the application tool to join the DLAB, Industry partners and professors should use the contact form.
What does participation cost?
TU Dortmund University students can join the program free of charge.
Formal requirements
What enrollment prerequisites does the DLAB have?
Besides being enrolled as a TU Dortmund student, the DLAB does not have any formal requirements for its applicants. However, the program is designed for Master’s students and Bachelor's students are only admitted if they can prove that they can contribute significantly to the community.
Is the number of participants limited?
Yes. As our goal is to provide students with an optimal learning experience, we will limit the number of participants.
How many credits does the curriculum of the Certificate in Digital Technology Management contain?
Overall, the program has 40-50 ECTS, depending on the chosen electives. Some courses and seminars might be creditable in the main degrees as well. Hence most students are likely to require fewer additional credits than the full program load of 40-50 ECTS.
Overall, the program is designed to not extend the duration of the ordinary degree.
Are there final exams?
No. Students have to pass their classes, but the Certificate in Digital Technology Management is granted without a final grade.
Do I have to do additional internships?
The curriculum of the Certificate in Digital Technology Management requires an internship. However, often previously done internships are creditable.
Application process
When will the next application phase start?
Applications for the summer term 2025 will open in January 2025.
In what language do I have to submit my application documents?
German or English.
I do not yet have all the experiences mentioned in the application section. Can I still apply?
Yes. The DLAB is a place to learn and grow. The more experiences you can share with your peers, the better. But we are fully aware that only a few students will have had the chance to spend time abroad due to Corona and that for students of some faculties it is harder to do internships than for others. Likewise, in some degrees coding is more common, while in others it is common to speak several languages.
That's why all applications are reviewed manually, and curriculums are assessed on individual basis.
Can I apply again?
Yes. All applications are reviewed after each deadline.